Women’s Ministry
Life is hectic, and as women, we long to grow in our relationship with the Lord and with one another. The women at Bethel Church do life together by sharing in the daily grind of family, job, and personal growth. We all have a story to tell, and it is exciting to share those stories while celebrating how God uses our messes for His message. It is our goal to help women connect as they learn to live and love like Christ.
First Step
Whether you are 18 or 108, we have a place for you to get involved. Through Bible Studies, Moms in Prayer, and special events, there are several places for you to connect with other women who are seeking to better understand who God is and how He impacts our lives on a daily basis.
Bible Studies
To encourage spiritual growth and the opportunity to learn with women of various ages, Bible studies are offered throughout the year. Topical studies as well as in-depth studies of various books of the Bible are offered.
Moms in Prayer
As moms we often strive to meet our children’s physical needs, but they also have spiritual battles that are fought by their moms on their knees. Moms in Prayer meets twice a month during the school year focusing their prayers on these young people and their schools.
Join us 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month at
8:00-9:30am in the Friendship Room (across from the nursery).
“Flourish” Activities
Psalm 92:13 They are planted in the house of the LORD; they flourish in the courts of God.
Outdoor activities are a wonderful way for women of all ages to connect with each other while enjoying God’s creation, nurturing friendships, and refreshing our souls for God’s glory. Check out our Facebook page, and watch for details for upcoming activities.